

本日、Double-breasted dinner Jacket (ダブル・ブレステッド・ディナージャケット : 6釦×2掛け)納品いたしました。礼服と乗馬との関係を調べていて楽しいです。クラシック・スタイリングの世界もやはり流行というか傾向があるので、ヨーロッパ諸国の王室関係者ジュニア(次に王になる方々)の着こなしを2008、2009、2010年定点観測しています。狭いレンジの中ですが、微妙な着こなしの変化を把握・認識できます。若さゆえ意外とミーハーな一面もあり、ハリウッドのトレンドとの関係性もあり、と思います。



Today, Double-breasted dinner Jacket (Double Breasted Dinner Jacket: Button multiplied 6 × 2) has been delivered. It is fun to examine the relationship between the robe and horse riding. I tend to do a classic styling in the world of fashion again, Junior European royal officials (those who will be the next king), the dress has been fixed observation in 2008,2009,2010. But within a narrow range, can recognize subtle to understand the change of dress. There is also surprisingly foolish youthful aspect, also has relationships with Hollywood trends, I think.

Men's necessities, tuxedo, while we have the feeling to wear in accustomed classic styling, the latest of about 5% of the essence (you insert style pocket square for example) are added. Frankly, I fancy tuxedo and Somewhere-Prince-like were at the time of the Japanese domestic ceremonial occasions, the people are you feeling clean and nice suits, but also in most cases, I'm an Asian culture that have the impression. Would be the tuxedo tails, can not push, do not need too learn by experience, best to dress cool without hesitation to get normal.

Drinking wine at the Kagurazaka EDWARDstore feeling good now, while relax and writing this diary-blog. Surprisingly, and thankfully, that tedious blog of Edward is bossy our overseas readers. Let me take further the power of Google translation to English is also listed to give my own English ability. Thanks funny but pointed out via email.

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